Before you buy a pool, spa, liner etc.
Before you invest your money in fixing your existing pool or spa.
Before you trust your pool or spa to a service technician
You should read these guidelines!
- Check with the Better
Business Bureau and the
Attorney General
in your area for any problems with the company you want to do business with.
- Ask other people you know with the pool, spa, liner etc. to see what they like about theirs and the products that were used.
- Make sure the pool company is licensed and insured.
- Get written estimates on all large items being purchased.
- Be sure the pool company has the knowledge and tools to handle all of your
pool problems.
- When signing a contract for any large amount of money, get in writing a
tentative project start date (weather permitting) and a finish time.
- Check and read all contracts, make sure you are getting everything you
paid for or was promised. Also make sure you are getting the same
product(s) you were informed you were getting.
- Get everything in writing from beginning to end, from time to product.
- After you investigated thoroughly, Get at least 3 estimates for the same
service or product then decide.
- (for pools) Deck supports of some kind are needed with every pool to avoid concrete &
pool separation.
- (for pools) Remember the filtering system is the heart of every good, bad, or work
hearty pool. Choose wisely, check the Pool Help &
Support for a filter that is right for you. (Most of the time we feel that
sand filters are often the best choice)